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HomeArticlesThe Common Traffic Violations Houstonians Are Fined For

The Common Traffic Violations Houstonians Are Fined For


Driving in Houston, like in many big cities, comes with its own set of rules and regulations. Unfortunately, not everyone follows these rules, which can lead to traffic violations and fines. 

Understanding the common violations in Houston can help you avoid a traffic ticket.

Here’s a look at the most common traffic violations in Houston.

And remember, you have the right to contest a traffic ticket. Get in touch with a traffic ticket attorney in Houston to understand your rights and find out what your options are.

Speeding is one of the most common traffic violations. Many drivers often exceed the speed limit, especially on busy highways. Houston has specific speed limits for residential areas, school zones, and highways. Ignoring these limits can lead to hefty fines.

Tips to Avoid Speeding:

  • Always observe speed limit signs.
  • Use your cruise control on highways to maintain a steady speed.
  • Be mindful of changing speed limits in construction zones or school areas.
  • Running Red Lights

Running a red light is another serious violation. This can lead to dangerous accidents, as drivers may not expect others to ignore traffic signals. In Houston, red-light cameras are used at many intersections, making it easy for law enforcement to catch violators.

Tips to Avoid Running Red Lights:

  • Always come to a complete stop at red lights.
  • Be cautious at yellow lights; if you’re too close to stop safely, it’s better to proceed with caution.
  • Watch for pedestrians and cyclists when approaching intersections.
  • Not Wearing a Seatbelt

Texas law requires all drivers and passengers to wear seatbelts. Failing to do so can result in a fine. This rule is in place to protect everyone in the vehicle during an accident.

Tips to Remember Seatbelt Laws:

  • Make it a habit to buckle up before starting the engine.
  • Remind passengers to wear their seatbelts, especially children.
  • Educate young drivers about the importance of seatbelt use.
  • Distracted Driving

Distracted driving, such as texting or using your phone while driving, is becoming more common and is extremely dangerous. It significantly increases the risk of accidents. In Texas, there are laws against texting while driving, and violators can be fined.

Tips to Avoid Distractions:

  • Keep your phone out of reach while driving.
  • Use hands-free devices if you need to make calls.
  • Focus on the road and avoid multitasking when driving.
  • Failing to Yield

a woman standing on a street with cars in the background

Failing to yield the right of way can lead to accidents and injuries. Drivers must yield to pedestrians, cyclists, and other vehicles in certain situations. Not doing so can result in a fine and potentially a traffic accident.

Tips to Yield Properly:

  • Always check for pedestrians when turning or merging.
  • Yield to oncoming traffic when making a left turn.
  • Be cautious at roundabouts and intersections.


Understanding the common traffic violations in Houston can help you stay safe on the road and avoid fines. If you find yourself facing a traffic ticket, consider consulting a traffic ticket attorney. They can provide guidance on how to handle the situation and potentially help reduce or dismiss your fines.

Remember, safe driving is not just about following the rules; it’s about protecting yourself and others on the road. Stay informed, stay safe, and drive responsibly!


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