Window Tint Laws by State: Percentage of Allowed Tinting

Every state implements different window tint laws; therefore, in this article, you will learn about window tint laws by state. Window tinting on vehicles has become one of today’s most popular car upgrades.

Nowadays, most car windows are covered with a special polyester called ‘window tint.’ This material protects passengers from Ultraviolet and IR rays from the sun.

Whether you want to make your car more attractive or protect it, automotive window tint is a great option. Now, high-quality car window tint is available to protect your car and make you feel satisfied.

However, every state has different window tint laws, so everyone needs to know that, according to state tint law, California’s window tint laws are different than those in Kansas or Tennessee.

Window Tint Laws by State

Benefits of Window Tint

Window tint on vehicles gives multiple benefits like protection from UV rays, glare reduction, and privacy. So people use it for improved looks and style. Window tints can be applied on multiple glass surfaces, and many people love to add them for aesthetic purposes and to reduce the sun’s glare.

When these tints block UV rays, the heat decreases inside, protecting the leather, steel plastics, and aluminum. Our earth is getting warmer daily, so these tints can protect passengers from cancer-causing UV rays.

Understanding Window Tint Terminology

When we talk about the different car window tinting laws, we need to see the window tint laws by state. Everyone should understand the terminology of window tint to make the right choice for the car.

When you read the laws, window tint percentage means the light allowed to pass in, called visible light transmission percent. The windshield tinting laws refer to the amount of light on the windshield that can be legally tinted or the amount allowed on the entire shield. Every state has different regulations.

VLT Visible light Transmission indicates the amount of visible light in the film or the combined film and window. The lower the VLT, the darker the tint; the higher the VLT, the lighter tint shade. The higher the percentage, the more illegal it is because it causes accidents.

Front Side Window Tint Percentage: The front side windows should not need the percentage.  

Back-side window tint should also not exceed the VLT percentage. The legal limit of window tint depends on the type of vehicle you have.

Rear Window Tint: the rear window tint percentage is allowed to be the same as the VLT percentage.

Windshield: In any state, the AS-1 line refers to the fact that entire windshields can not be tinted. The window that can be tinted is 4-6 inches from the top.

Reflectivity: It is the amount of light reflected away from the window. The lower the reflectivity, the less light is blocked or reflected off the window. This helps to reduce glare and heat buildup in the vehicle.

Window Tint Laws by State

Well, you can check the window tint laws by state to see how much tinting is allowed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Window Tint is Illegal in Some States?

Window tinting offers many benefits, but some states do not allow it for safety and security. Tint limits the light that enters the car but can make it hard to view the street. The high percentage of window tint gives poor visibility for drivers. Limited vision increases the number of accidents. 

One of the reasons why tinting may be illegal for the public is when we talk about the police and federal agencies.  Extremely dark Tint can be dangerous during traffic stops and other incidents.  Every state has window tint laws to dictate how much tinting is allowed to each window of your vehicle.

Is Blacked Out Tint Legal?

Tinting laws vary from state to state in the United States, and the Department of Motor Vehicles defines them. Here, we will take the example of California window tint laws, which permit the tinting of the front passenger window to 70 %. This means these windows should allow a minimum of 70 % visible light through these tints, so limo tint is prohibited on these windows.

What are the differences between 35 %, 20 %, and 5 % Tint?

The restriction on the amount of VLT being transmitted into a car is measured in percentages. These are the minimum amounts of light that should be getting through the glass. A higher percentage means the Tint is lighter, and legally, it is permitted. A lower tint percentage means the Tint will be darker.

Who Gets the Medical Exemption for Window Tinting

These laws are bent for people with medical conditions that make them more light-sensitive. A perfect example would be people who always need to be protected from the sun, such as Psoriasis. Sometimes, sunlight can cause psoriasis, and these people have a negative reaction to UV radiation. Another condition is Rosacea, which gets a medical exemption that causes increased sensitivity and inflammation of the face.

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